Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dan DeLuca: Taco Tuesday and Other Lunch Suggestions

By Dan DeLuca
Staff Writer

I personally find pizza Fridays to be very bland. I would much rather have Taco Tuesdays. I have been pitching this idea to student council; however, they keep shooting it down like an enemy aircraft over U.S soil.

I think that students would be more satisfied with a good hardy lunch like tacos. As I have heard tacos are a favorite here, why not make them a weekly occurrence? In addition, I believe that the people receiving lunch from the school -- meaning the students -- should be able to pick what food will be served that week.

Besides the divine idea of taco Tuesday, there are some other ideas that need to be heard.

Fiesta Friday, Manicotti Monday, Turkey Tuesday, French Friday ( this does not mean French food but food that has the word 'French' in front of it, like French fries and French toast), Waffle Wednesday, and Thanksgiving Thursday (on this day, we will be given a Thanksgiving-sized meal).

As you can see, each day has to have a food that starts with the same letter as the day it is on. Also, in the case of the pizza Friday effect (the effect where having the same food repeatedly can cause said food to become boring and bland) the food will change every two weeks.

Nick Scaramuzza: Enjoying a Relaxing Winter Break

By Nick Scaramuzza
Staff Writer

During winter break,, I went birthday shopping at a tennis store where my coach named Jay helped me pick out a brand new tennis racket. 

Then we went to celebrate my 17th birthday, which is on Dec. 18. While celebrating my birthday, we had our Caruso Family Christmas Party at an ice rink called Ice Works. My dad mom's family sang Happy Birthday to me.

On Christmas Eve, we went to my grandma's house to have our family tradition, which is the Seven Fish dinner, where we have seven different kinds of which. I don't really like the fish, except the shrimp and the scallops wrapped in bacon.

Then on Christmas Day, I got up and opened presents. After that, we went down and said 
Merry Christmas to my grandma and my aunt. Next, we came back home and got ready for my mom's side of the family to come over for Christmas dinner. 

For New Year's Eve, we celebrated my grandfather's 85th birthday. Then my aunt stayed with us until midnight and then slept over at our house. Then on New Year's Day, we woke up and had sticky buns. Then we watched the Twilight Zone marathon and played Risk -- and I won.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year

Conor Kennedy: Gives Up on Humanity Because Eagles Coach Andy Reid Is Returning

By Conor Kennedy
Sports Editor
This is a topic which needs to be brought to attention immediately even though it doesn't have anything to do with Woodlynde sports and is semi old. Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid is returning.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhh. Wait, not done. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhh.
In a recent press conference, Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeff Lurie described the most recent Eagles season as "the most disappointing season in years, and I would say in Andy's tenure, extremely disappointing."
Regardless of the 8-8 record (which in football standings is horrible) he wants to "see our team coached by Andy Reid, and I can't wait to see that team play."
Really? Andy Reid has not won a Super Bowl in his 13 years of coaching the Eagles, and you're keeping him? I give up on humanity.