Thursday, March 21, 2013

Alec Kravitt: My Top 5 Family Guy Episodes

Alec Kravitt is a sophomore at the Woodlynde School.

If there is one thing that everybody should know about me, it’s that my favorite TV show is Family Guy. If you are unaware, Family guy is a cartoon sitcom about a dysfunctional family and the adventures of the father (Peter), the kids (Chris and Meg), the hopeful mother (Lois), the highly opinionated dog (Brian) and the evil toddler (Stewie). So, without further ado, here are my top 5 favorite Family Guy episodes.

#5: “Peter’s Two Dads”
In a nutshell, the episode is about how Peter finds out that the person who he thought was his father really isn’t his father. He then has to search for his real biological father (who btw is in Ireland). The highlight of this episode is the musical number at the end. Basically, Peter sings about how proud he is of his drunk father.

#4 “Viewer Mail #2”
Viewer Mail 2 is a compilation of mini episodes based around audience suggestions. If there is one short in this episode I would like to talk about the most, it would have to be “Fatman & Robin”. In this short, Peter is given the power to turn everybody (and everything) into Robin Williams. Of course, everything starts out fine, but then he loses control of which things turn into Robin Williams and which don’t. One of my favorite gags (that I can actually describe) is a part when Peter opens a door, the door turns into Robin Williams, then Robin says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, The Doors!”. If you didn’t get it, Robin was referencing a band called The Doors.

#3 “Hell Comes To Quahog”.
At first it is a typical episode of Family Guy, but then comes the MOST EPIC ENDING TO A FAMILY GUY EVER! The entire episode is about a super store and how it is hogging all the town’s electricity. At the end of the episode, Stewie and Brian use a tank to completely demolish the super store. Now, this isn’t just a 5 second bit, but instead lasts quite awhile. The ending was so epic, this bit could be the episode itself.

#2 “Road to the Multiverse”
“Road to the Multiverse” revolves around Stewie and Brian going to parallel dimensions. These dimensions differ: from a universe where everybody is Jewish, to a place where dogs and humans switch roles in society. Believe it or not, my favorite universe in this episode is one where everything is drawn by Disney. My other favorite universe is one with misleading backgrounds.

#1 “Valentine’s Day in Quahog”.
My favorite scene from this episode is when Stewie goes back to the summer of love, kisses a girl his age, realizes that he just kissed Lois, pukes, goes back to present day, and scolds Brian. After Stewie scolds Brian, Brian asks, “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” This bit was so funny. I am laughing as I am typing it.

Sadly, though, instead of me explaining how epic the rest of this episode is, I want you to watch it for yourselves. In fact, you should watch ALL of these episodes for yourself. Don’t just take my word for it. Now, just a warning, this series IS for teens and up, so don’t show this to anybody who is 13 or younger.

Liz Carney: Silence Poem

Liz Carney is a freshman at the Woodlynde School.

the noise of endless emptiness.
An echo of one's feelings,
their pain.
Imprisoned inside,
wanting to break free, to fly away.
But they are trapped,
in a cage created of their worries and fears if they are let loose.
Forever held,
never shared.
Most don't realize this is happening.
They see an ordinary person,
pretending to be ok.
But inside,
they are beaten and scarred from this cage filled with hurt.
Alone forever.
the noise of endless emptiness.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Caroline Kothari: Can't Wait for Spring Break!

Caroline Kothari is a freshman at the Woodlynde School.

It is almost Spring Break. I am so excited.
I am going to the beach in Florida for a whole week. My family and I will be spending a lot of time at the beach and the pool. We will also be paragliding and jet skiing, which will be extremely fun.
I cannot wait to spend a week in Florida relaxing with my family. My aunt and cousin are going to be joining my family in Florida. I will be going to St. Pete's beach, which is supposed to be a party beach, haha! My mom says if the beach we go to ends up being the spot of all parties, she will be mad. 
I am glad we have a week off, because I am ready to get some relaxation at the beach with my family.  A part of me wants to stay home, so I can hang out with my friends, but oh, well; I will be in sunny Florida.
I think Spring Break is at the perfect time right now for me, so I can refresh and get ready for two and half more months of school.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Liz Carney: Poems about Life and Colors

Liz is a freshman at the Woodlynde School.

Life is like a rose. When taken care of, it blossoms into a beautiful, vibrant sight, scattered with the dark obstacles of life. But when abused and forgotten, it wilts with a sickening color and dies, destroyed.

Red, the color of rage, spreading in you like a wild fire
Blue, the color of sorrow, chilling your bones like ice
Black, the color of hatred, coursing through your veins like a snake
Green, the color of tranquility, sweeping over you like wind in a field
Pink, the color of humiliation, bubbling in your stomach like a witch's pot